Landslagsaktiviteter 2024
Fyra olika nivåer på tävlingar:
1) Instegstävlingar: EJM, JVM, Nationella mästerskap i andra länder, ev EA-Cup.
2) Mellanklasstävlingar: EA-Cup 10K, JVM.
3) Toppnivåtävlingar: EA-Cup 10K. WA-Cup 10K.
4) Mästerskapstävlingar: EM, VM, OS.
Rikttider och nivå på prestation:
1) Instegstävlingar:
Bassäng: 715 WA-poäng på 800m frisim och 1500m frisim
(män 8.25/16.14 – kvinnor 9.02/17.09)
5KTime Trial: män 57.45 – kvinnor 1:00.45
2) Mediumtävlingar
Bassäng: 730 WA poäng på 800mfrisim och1500m frisim
(män 8.22/16.07 – kvinnor 8.58/17.02)
5K Time Trial: män 56.30 – kvinnor 59.30
3) Topptävlingar
Bassäng: 800WA poäng på 800m frisim och 1500m frisim
(män 8.07/15.38 – kvinnor 8.42/16.31)
5K Time Trial: män 55.00 – kvinnor 58.00
Årets höjdare för alla unga distanssimmare är främst Junior-VM som går i Alghero, Italien 6-8 september 2024. Kan även vara aktuellt med några simmare på EJOWSC (EJM) i Wien, Österrike, 12-14 juli.
Rikttider och WA poäng för att vara aktuell:
•2005-06 (10K)
Bassäng 715 WA poäng (pojkar 8.25/16.14 – flickor 9.02/17.09) 5KTT: 57.45 – 1:00.45
•2007-08 (7.5K)
Bassäng: 690 WA poäng (pojkar 8.31/16.25 - flickor 9.08/17.22) 5KTT: 58.30 – 1.01.15
•2009-10 (5K)
Bassäng: 650 WA poäng (pojkar 8.41/16.45 – flickor 9.19/17.42) 5KTT: 59.30 – 1:02.00
JVM 6-8/8 (Alghero, ITA) och EJM 12-14/7 (Wien,AUT) : Prioritering
•Bästa pool och bästa 5K har prio vid klarade rikttider.
JVM: Lagsimning
•Vi har ambition att vara med på 4x1250 (äldre 05-07, yngre 08-10, mixade lag 2+2)
JVM: Komplettering på SM
•Komplettering till lag kan ske på SM. Yngsta klassen simmaren får delta i prioriteras.
EJM: Individuellt kvalificerade simmare kan bli aktuella att deltaga på EJOWSC 12-14/7 (Wien,AUT)
Följande förväntas av uttagen till JVM/EJM:
• Medverkan på OW-SM.
• Ambition att delta på andra tävlingar i öppet vatten för att tillskansa sig erfarenhet.
• En träningsplan över sommaren med avsikt att vara bra tränad på JVM/EJM.
• Kommunikation mellan klubbtränare, simmare och Förbundskapten.
• Start i såväl individuell gren som lagkapp.
Sweden Open Water national team and how does a swimmer get selected to the national team?
1) POOL The swimmer is a great pool swimmers with competitive results in long course in distances over 800 and 1500 m freestyle. Results on 400 m freestyle and 400 m medley can be considered on a junior level.
a) Time Trial on 5K is considered for as well junior as senior level.
b) Time Trial on 25K is considered due to the lack of Ultra Marathon competitions.
c) By default Time Trials are to be held in 50m-pool.
a) Results in the Swedish nationals can generate access to entry level international competitions.
b) Results in Top level Competition can grant access to the LEN Cup and the World Cup. From season to the next we require (1) or (2) to make sure the athlete’s training process is maintained.
- ENTRY LEVEL: To get international experience and get used to preparation procedures we attend competitions with ”lagom” motstånd. We try to find competitions with championship like routines and sufficient packs to race with. Examples from the past decade are Nordic Championships, Swiss Championships and the LEN Cup in Copenhagen. Here we also find invitationals such as the Yangtze River Crossing in Wuhan where foreign organizations have paid travel and accomodation. Junior European Championships is also regarded as an entry level competition. However the timing requires selection from Pool and Time Trial.
SELECTION: Primarily from Nationals.
- MEDIUM LEVEL: To further work open water skills we participate in the LEN Cup. Some of these are very competitive and some are less competitive. Hungary and Italy often sends large teams. Open National Championships in some nations also fits this level. France, Germany, Italy and USA are examples.
SELECTION: Primarily from Pool & Time Trial
- TOP LEVEL: The Fina 10K World Cup offers racing on a World Class level. Fields are often bigger than championships. For example can big nations like France, Italy and Germany compete with 7-8 swimmers while at championships there is a limitation to two swimmers (FINA) and three swimmers (LEN). Front speed and the tightness of the pack can be a shock for swimmers without international experience or documented speed from 5KTT or 800/1500. Therefore we are restrictive with selections to competitions this level.
SELECTION: From Medium Level Competitions.
- CHAMPIONSHIP LEVEL: The European Championships and The World Championships requires a selection from the Swedish Swim Federation, and our guidlines are a top-16 ranking. First hand we select from Top Level competitions. Some of the LEN Cups, the German Championships, the French Championships and US Nationals also work as selection races, if they can meet the qualification window. The Paris 2024 Olympic Games holds 22 slots for Open Water Swimmers. 10 slots are allocated in the World Championships in 2023. 12 more slots are allocated in the Olympic Qualifier in 2024. The allocation means the National Olympic Committy gets approximately 14 days to accept or turn down an invitation. The Swedish Olympic Committy is very clear with that they will accept only top-8-level invitations. In addition to the 22 OW-qualified swimmers there is a new routine for 2024. Pool swimmers entering the 800 m och 1500 m in the Olympics are invited to swim the 10K Marathon Swim in Paris.
SELECTION: Via Top Level Competitions (10K), Time Trials (5K/25K)
Publicerad: 2023-09-22
Senast uppdaterad: 2024-11-13
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